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Equipment Contents
Fernanda Ramirez uses a Canon G7 X Mark II Digital Camera. Fernanda Ramirez also have Apple AirPods Pro, Apple MacBook Pro, Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max, Apple Watch Series 7.
All equipment that Fernanda Ramirez is using is listed here below.
Audio & Camera
Q: How old is Fernanda Ramirez?
A: Fernanda Ramirez is 21 years old.
Q: How many subscribers does Fernanda Ramirez have on Youtube?
A: Fernanda Ramirez has 1260000 subscribers on Youtube.
Q: How many followers does Fernanda Ramirez have on Instagram?
A: Fernanda Ramirez has 380000 followers on Instagram.
Q: Where does Fernanda Ramirez live?
A: She lives in Vancouver, Canada.
Q: What ethnicity is Fernanda Ramirez?
A: Hispanic, she was born in Canada and her Mom and Dad are from Mexico.
Q: How tall is Fernanda Ramirez?
A: She is 5’6
Q: Does Fernanda Ramirez have any siblings?
A: She has one older brother named Andrew.
Q: Does Fernanda Ramirez have a middle name?
A: No she does not have any middle name.
Q: What languages does Fernanda Ramirez speak?
A: English & Spanish.
Q: Does Fernanda Ramirez have any pets?
A: She has one Cat & one Dog, the cats name is Misu and the dog is named Lilo.